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Get Involved at Mount Olivet

Ways to Get Involved at Mount Olivet

Inquirer’s Classes


The Inquirer's Class provides a broad view of the Episcopal Church and its practices and beliefs. We welcome any new students to join us.

Date: February 9, 2025 

Time: 12pm

Where: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

3245 Manhattan Blvd

Harvey, LA 70058 (map)

What to Bring:

  • Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs & Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe ($15 on

  • A “spiritual autobiography” conveying your faith and religious experiences from childhood to present. About 500 words, not over 1,000 words.

  • A questioning spirit that asks, “Why do we do and believe what we believe?”


We will decide on a permanent meeting day and time and agree where to meet. For any questions or more information, please contact Fr. Bill Terry.  

Verger Volunteers


The volunteer vergers are clean and tidy the church and hall to prepare for service on Sunday. Verger duties take about an hour or less per week, on Friday or Saturday, and include light sweeping and vacuuming, wiping counters, running the dishwasher, cleaning bathrooms, emptying trash, and checking supplies (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, coffee, etc.).


You can sign up for a verger slot in the Hall. For more info ask Cyndi or Heidi.

Sunday School


Can you help with Sunday School? We have weekly lesson plans to use as guides be creative and share your own ideas. To contribute to this joyous and rewarding mission, please speak to Hazel, then sign up on the calendar in the Hall.

Free Lil' Pantry


The Algiers Point Free Lil' Pantry provides food that individuals can access items anytime, no questions asked. Unlike traditional food pantries, it operates 24/7 without applications or restrictions, promoting a sense of compassion, trust, and mutual aid.


Every Sunday, you can donate shelf stable, unexpired foods in the baskets near the front of the church. Fr. Bill will bless the full baskets before they are delivered to the Pantry.

Glass Collection


​What: Glass collection for recycling
Where: Mount Olivet Episcopal Church
When: Every Saturday, 9:00 a.m.–1 p.m.

Glass is 100% recyclable, but there's currently no curbside glass recycling in New Orleans. Please rinse any glass that contained a food product and remove any caps, lids, or corks. No need to remove labels. (More info...)

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Mount Olivet Episcopal Church
530 Pelican Ave
At the corner of Pelican Ave and Olivier St
New Orleans, LA 70114

(504) 366-4650

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